Mommy Guilt

Currently reclined in bed with a little one nestled on my chest who fell asleep during his bed time nursing session. And I can't help but stare at his sweet sleeping face and how peaceful he looks. He's just fallen asleep in the best way possible (in his mind), and life couldn't get any better. And yet here I am, feeling guilty for letting him fall asleep at the breast instead of in his crib. We've finally gotten him to sleep through the night in his big boy bed, no need to nurse to sleep, which was such a huge accomplishment for us! All the books and professionals' "advice" on how I should put him to sleep start to creep up in my mind, and I contemplate putting him down right away, hoping I haven't messed things up. But as I look down at those little lips, long lashes, and tiny hand curled around my finger, I realize how fleeting these moments really are. There will come a day when he no longer needs me to fall asleep. A day where the cuddles and kisses are few and far between. A day when friends and other things are more fun than mama and me time. A day where I'm not as needed, and he's not as little. So tonight, I'll sacrifice "progress" if it means I get to hold this sweet baby boy in my arms for just a few more minutes. The progress can wait. Time cannot. 
Let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore 💕