The guy who broke me. (Long)


Back story: When I was 13, there was this guy who I was talking to who was very emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive towards me. I went through sever severe depression because my parents weren't there for me. I was left to deal with this guy by myself and I had no idea how to, so I stayed with him. This guy told me to kill myself or he would. I ended up cutting and attempting suicide.

Anyways; I got out of the situation thanks to the help of my husband (boyfriend at the time) and things were going great. It's been 6 years since it happened.

Well, the other day, my husband and I were talking and this guy's name comes up on accident. Ever since, I've fallen back into this depression and I cry myself to sleep every night. I don't see it ending anytime soon. I explained the situation to my husband but he will never fully understand how much this guy broke me.

I wish I was over this, but I'm not.. I'll never be. I just want to be okay again.