stress induced labor from depression

I wanna say it's possible to go into labor early due to stress, but I'm not entirely sure. I work 40 hrs a week, but if we are slow, I get a relax day pretty much. It's more my home situation that stresses me out. You know kids are kids, and they don't always know when to stop bugging about the simplest of things. I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about my BF who can be the best boyfriend ever, but lately (more like the past few months) every time something went wrong it was MY fault. And you know, I suffer from severe depression and anyone who has depression knows that sometimes it doesn't take anything for you to feel depressed all the time. Some days you just feel that way and you don't know why. But if you suffer from it then you also know That when the smallest of things go wrong, it feels like the biggest and that it is always your fault. I'm a little over 30 weeks pregnant and my anxiety and depression is threw the roof. I honestly feel like I'm in high school all over again trying to fit in and feeling as if nothing will ever go right.