tips to make the pain manageable


I'm not 100% sure that I have herpes, but my doctor this morning is pretty positive thats what I have. The tests will come back in a few days. Please  tell me there is something I can do to make the pain better. It hurts all the time, when I am sitting down, going to the bathroom, theres never a break from the pain. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 
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the first outbreak is the worst! so painful and uncomfortable i remember mine i just wanted to cry all the time. i'm now on medication and usually you can tell when you are going to have another outbreak or begin to know what triggers them. ialso take a multi gummie with lots of vitamins in it coz that seems to work for me and i excerise more often and try eat healthier because improving your immune system is supposed to reduce the amount of outbreaks. when i was diagnosed i hated my life but now its treatable and i forget i have it sometimes because i dont get alot of outbreaks. i was diagnosed with HSV type 1 (genital)


Annie • Jun 8, 2017
Thank you for all the advice!!!!!


Lo • Jun 7, 2017
epsom salt baths are also good too!


Posted at
Take a warm epsom salt bath and take Ibuprofen 😊 don't worry you'll get through it!


Annie • Jun 8, 2017
Thank you!


Posted at
What helps me is after i go pee i start bath water and rinse off down there then wear loose clothing. Never put any cream on it always let it air out. A warm bath normally help the pain for me


Annie • Jul 20, 2017
Thank you!


Posted at
Your doctor can prescribe you a numbing gel (like lidocaine). I have heard the first is the worst! And that has been my experience too!My doctor told me to use a water bottle or spray bottle when going pee; that was when I had the most pain. If you have a stream of water, it won't hurt so much. I also leaned forward. (More like touched the floor) Good luck! 💕


Annie • Jun 8, 2017
Thank you :)


Lo • Jun 8, 2017
yeah helps using ice packs and peeing in the water when its warm. really works heaps! honestly you will be fine after your first outbreak is over hopefully you dont get them often after that but medication really helps and do alot of research too so you can see how others treat it and try these new things. i do sooo much research


Annie • Jun 6, 2017
Thank you!!!!!!! Yes the worst pain is when I go to the bathroom. Ive been using a ton of ice packs too


Posted at
My test results should come back either today or tomorrow, and Im very nervous. So is my boyfriend (who has had no signs of herpes)


Annie • Jun 9, 2017
Thank you


kristen • Jun 8, 2017
my bf was the same way, we were together for about 3 months when I found out. he got checked as well and was clear. if you start an antiviral medicine it will lower his chances of getting it. I hope this eases your and his minds a little.