7 month old still projectile vomiting

My 7 month old is still pretty much ebf (we've tried BLW but he just isn't interested in solids). From pretty much 1 month old he has been a projectile vomiter. When I told our pediatrician he ruled out pyloric stenosis because he weighs well over what he needs to and is very healthy. He said it was due to overeating and that I should restrict feedings which I didn't want to because we feed on demand. So I went to LLL meetings and spoke to several different leaders who all said to trust my instincts and not restrict feedings. That it was a "laundry problem not a medical problem" (so long as he's a "happy spitter" like not upset or distressed after vomiting and still gaining weight). Well he's now 7.5 months old and still doing it. He still weighs a healthy amount & is a happy spitter. But it's tiring to get thrown up on all the time. It doesn't happen daily and sometimes we'll go weeks without it happening and then sometimes it happens twice in a day or days in a row. I'm worried that it's going to cause internal issues in his esophagus or something! Should I be worried? Should I start to try to restrict? I want to breastfeed for as long as he wants to (goal is 3 years) so I don't want to wean him. If it's truly just a "laundry" and inconvenient thing than it's fine but I'm wondering if it's unhealthy for it to go on this long. 
Also, on LLL leader suggested block feeding because I do have an oversupply. So we've been block feeding since about 2 months old which helps a lot and reduced the vomiting but still hasn't eliminated it completely.