43 day cycle- am I ovulating?

I am only on cycle one of ttc. My sister had some trouble conceiving so I have tracked my cycles previously even though I wasn't ttc. I have been taking my bbt and opk tests and think I ovulated on cd 31 (the opk were as dark as the control line and I had a temp dip and rise after) af showed on cd43. I was on bc previously but came off for a couple of years. My cycles were long when I came off (45 days) and then eventually went down to 30 days. I went back on bc for three months as I had acne and was getting married but have since come off. Skin has cleared up but I am back to the long cycles. Are the long cycles due to coming off the pill or is it something else? It's annoying having long cycles as you only get that chance every 6 weeks! We bd in my fertile week and on the day of ovulation so was gutted when af showed. I know this is only my first cycle but have just got this feeling that something's up. Anyone else in the same boat?