Birth Story (little late but wanted to finally share)💜


Baby's Name: 🌸Amelia Sky Cook🌸

Date of birth: May 27th 2017 @ 1:37am

Original due date: June 1st, 2017

Weeks pregnant: 39wks & 2 days

Weight: 7lbs 2oz 

Length: 19in long

Birth story: 

•Contractions started Friday morning but were sporadic started losing my mucus plug that morning (and throughout the day). 

•Contractions picked up as day went on and I kept up with them on the contraction counter app. 

•11:45pm Friday my water broke as I was rolling in bed😳, my hubby didn't believe me and tried to go back to sleep lol🤦🏻‍♀️

We got up, grabbed bags, got kids ready and headed to L&D. Had to call family to meet us there., to help with kiddos and of course to be there.

•12:30-ish contractions got more frequent, not much time in between (1min apart or less).

•1:20am was dilated to 3cm and waiting on epidural .. 5 mins go by waiting on the doctor and Anesthesiologist and I've jumped to 8cm and needing to push. Anesthesiologist did NOT make it in time and I start pushing at 9cm. 

•Had my beautiful girl at 1:37am. *Honestly the pain was quite unbearable but I made it through.*

•Doctor didn't even make it to birth lol, so my nurse delivered her, she had came out "sunny side up" (face up) and with cord wrapped around her neck, but all turned out well. Ripped so I had to have stitches (I did with my other kids as well). I was given Amelia for two hours of skin to skin contact.. my hospital doesn't take them to clean off till after the 2hrs contact. 

Best and worst thing I went through, natural birth is not easy and I promise if I had to do it again I'd be scare out of my mind but I was given the best reward ever!