I finally broke up with him

My now ex was a bully. He never let me forgive myself for my past (I was WILD before I dated him). He called me a slut whore etc every single day and later would love up on me to apologize. He convinced me to get his name tattooed on me which I now have to get removed (stupid of me). He has a file in his phone of voice recordings of our fights and claims he will use this to take our son away from me in a custody battle. He has thrown his phone at me leaving a bruise on my chest. He has pushed me to the ground, grabbed my wrist if I don't give him my phone, poured water on me, and called me trash, a towel, a tool, and sloppy seconds. I slapped him a few times during fights and he claims I am now an abuser and he's going to take our son away from me (I would never Ever harm my son). He has an addiction to porn, and keeps files in his phone of other women nude and in extremely provactive positions. He has raped me (says it doesn't count since we were dating) and has told me he wishes I would just die. He's the father of my son and I love him. But I finally ended it. I have no money I live with him....but I will no longer be his toy. I have made my own mistakes but I make an effort to apologize and pray for forgiveness where he does not. He enjoys making me cry and says im overreacting. I will not let him take my son away. I will earn money to move out and take my son with me. I feel so helpless but I have no other choice.