places to visit in Germany?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi
I'm sure I'll be talking to my Oma about it and she'll have a lot to say... but where should I visit in Germany? I know it's long in the future, but we're hoping to save up for a dream trip to Germany in 3 years. I just started learning German to try to connect with my heritage (my dad never learned any of it from my Oma-his mom). I'm hoping to be semi-fluent by the time we go (that way we don't need a trandslator... plus my Oma said most people over there speak English now anyway, especially in the big cities.)
I plan on going to Wilheilmshaven (smallish city on the coast of Germany) because it's where my Oma actually immigrated from in the early 50's.