Makes me cringe....

When I see people posting on here about giving their 3 month old baby cereal/oatmeal or other purees? I don't understand what the rush is!!! Let your baby be a baby and breastfeed them or give them formula!  It's not recommended to start anything besides milk/formula until baby is 6 months! 
I've read some pediatricians give the okay for rice cereal/oatmeal at 4 months but all that means is they are not familiar with current recommendations. There is tons of evidence based research about why waiting till 6 months for solids is ideal and if your doctor isn't following current data, that should scare you! Find another provider!!  And I'm NOT talking about adding cereal to milk if your doctor prescribed it for reflux because that is a medical condition and the benefits outweigh the risks in that case. 
I always see moms on here saying their baby kept waking up hungry at night so they needed to start solids....or their baby was too hungry and not satisfied on milk alone. Ummm, there are NO studies that proved starting solids before 6 months will help them sleep or benefit them in anyway. There are lots of exclusively breastfed or formula fed babies that sleep through the night. 
Moms even say "my baby was showing interest in food" at 3 months. Like how??? By drooling and watching you eat? Newsflash, your baby will drool and watch you regardless of what you're doing in front of them! 
Also, please....DO YOUR CHILD A FAVOR and google "immature gut" and why starting solids early is so harmful. 
One sign of readiness is being able to sit up unassisted with good head control. I highly doubt your 3 month baby can do this! I cringe seeing moms spoon feed their baby while baby is in a reclined position. Hello, choking hazard!!! 
Not everyone knows how to look up credible informative however some stuff is just plain common sense.