I need help from a fellow crazy bitch

So I just found out that my man has been cheating on me. But I don't want to just leave him and let it be. Oh no. I want mild revenge. And so I need help from a pro.
This man owes me about $100, so I'm gonna play stupid for a while and get that money back (if I get extra that's even better). But after that, I want to fuck his shit up. I need to know how I can vandalize his stuff without getting in trouble for it. So here's the plan so far:
1) Play along and then wait for his phone to be isolated. Go through it and delete and conversations between me and him, go through his photos and delete and photos or videos he may have of me. Finally, delete my number from his phone.
2) Vandalize his shit. But this is the tricky part. How do I do this without getting caught?
I know this all sounds mad crazy but I've never done anything like this before and I was led to believe that we were exclusive. I've saved this man from being killed. So for me to get played out like that is a no no. Please leave tips and helpful commentary down below.