Pregnant Sister


My sister (21 years old) is pregnant by a one night stand. After making horrible jokes for years about never getting pregnant and abortions and such. While I'm here ttc for a year now and undergoing tests.

This is what bothers me as such. What's bothering me is. In the 6 months she has been pregnant I've not seen her do one thing for herself. She doesn't even make her own bed. What's worse is my other sister is enabling it. She will come home from school go straight to my pregnant sister and be like is there anything you want or need.

She also. Up until recently. Didn't buy everything herself for the child. Our mother has. I still haven't seen or heard of necessities being brought by her.

Also she keeps making a point of how everything must be new and not second hand. Yet she has minus money in her overdraft and is living rent free at my mom's house.

I know I must sound cruel and childish but it's just getting to me. Rant over.