Should I go to the doctor?

I know this isn't Period related, but it is health related so I was wondering if someone could weigh in. One day I went out with my friends to swim at a pool, but before that, out of nowhere, a huge rash appeared all up my upper thigh. By the time we went to the doctor, they couldn't do anything. This was last summer. Then, it came back again awhile later(several months)and the doctors were so slow that by the time it went away we still had no idea what it was. It came back again, only a very tiny bit, and I was wondering if I should even bother reporting it? I'm really afraid of needles and they said the only way to know is to get a blood test or skin punch(basically where they numb up your leg then take a bit of it). Thoughts? It used to be much bigger, it has come back smaller every time.