"There's a time and place for that"

Okay. That phrase and breastfeeding do not (I repeat DO NOT) go together. If my child is hungry I'm not going to make my child scream and starve until I get home. If my child is hungry I'm feeding my child wherever I am at. Don't like it, I have a simple solution for you.. DONT LOOK! 
I have breastfed out in public and just about everytime someone thinks my child is sleeping because I try my best to nurse my child modesty. There are some women who are fine with just whipping out there boob, good for them. I do not like using a cover because, I, myself don't eat using a cover so neither will my child. 
Also, do not suggest that a women pump and make a bottle before going out. Not all babies a) take a bottle or b) not all can produce as much milk with pumping.