Beth ❤❤ • 27, - 25.10.18 Leon Alexander entered the world via emergency c section at 10.08am 💙💙 baby number 2 due december 2022 💟💟
So I'm on cycle day 8, and I think today I've had a UTI as had pain when peeing and had to go to the toilet very frequently, I drank like 6 litres of water throughout the day and it seems to have calmed down a bit now, but I've just been to the toilet and just before I flushed I noticed there was blood on the tissue, now I had just done a #2 and was a bit constipated so thought I might just have a little tear or something, but I decided to wipe my vagina just in case and that was where the blood was coming from. Note that the blood I saw on the tissue in the toilet was a bright red streak, then when I wiped again it was just a pink patch on the tissue. Having had a UTI I've obviously been having pain down there today but I was just concerned as I've never had spotting before and me and my husband are TTC (we last had sex on Saturday...) and I am just entering my fertile window according to <a href="">eve</a> (although my cycles don't always follow <a href="">eve</a>). Please advise!!!