8 month old still won't eat solids

We started trying BLW at 6 months with bananas, avocados, apples, carrots, pear and zucchini. Doing one at a time for about 3 days in a row. My lo tasted MAYBE 1 bite of each but has probably only swallowed one teeny tiny piece altogether as he usually spits it out. I finally started trying to make homemade purées in the food processor hoping he'd like it better and even added breastmilk to it. I'm a SAHM and we breastfeed on demand (veryyy often) hes a great eater when it comes to nursing and it's a chubby little guy, always a healthy weight. When do I start getting concerned about the fact that he still won't eat any solids? He's to the point where he licks in and then puts his lips together with a disgusted face and refuses it. Our pediatrician told us to start with 2 meals a day at 6 months & by the time we go in for our 9 month appt we should be doing 3 meals a day.. but he has literally only had maybe one tiny bite of solids in his whole life & hes 8 months old already! I read that babies are pretty much fine on breastmilk alone for the first year, is this true? Why doesn't he like solids? I don't want to force him which is why I love BLW, I try to just let him do his thing (I've also tried a sooon and my finger but he turns his head so I stop). Any tips? Should I just leave it alone and wait until he's ready?