Trouble In Paradise

So let's start from the beginning. December 2016 I was pregnant with what was thought to be a first child, the pregnancy was ectopic and terminated through laparoscopic surgery. My right tube was removed and there was a lot of depression with both me and my fiancé of the time. We are now married, and three months later March 2 I had a missed period a week after that I took a test and it came up positive. My husband had told me he was ready and wanted a child, something I've been wanting my whole life. I was ecstatic, but when I told him he didn't seem to care much. I shrugged it off because it was early in the morning and I had woken him up so obviously he's not gonna be in a "yippie!" Kind of mood. Well things were fine for about a month and he was being super loving and attentive to my needs. Now I'm three months in and for the last two things have been miserable. I've been dealing with terrible aversions to pretty much EVERYTHING and when I tell him I don't know what I want to eat he gets mad and starts yelling at me 😕 . I know he's stressing cause we don't have any money and are in a bad living situation as it is, now there's a baby on the way too. With this in mind I've been keeping my composure and just letting a lot go, he is the only one working at the moment and even that is odd jobs so we're both technically unemployed. So yeah the stress is getting to him! I can deal with that. But it's been so bad that I got so depressed I thought about giving the baby up for adoption, only for a moment but the thought was there and I hated myself for it. Then I got pissed with him because I realized it was because his lack of enthusiasm about our baby, he hasn't done anything but be a grouch about everything that has to do with me being pregnant! I'm so emotionally fucked up right now and I can't say anything to him because if I do it's just gonna cause more problems on one end or the other... 
I need some emotional support and I have no one to turn to...