Getting him to see my side

My husband is a big NASCAR fan and he's been invited by his cousin to go to Talladega (a dream of his) in October. We live in the NE and his cousin is in GA. The cousin recently came into A LOT of money and plans on renting an RV for the weekend. My husband would need to fly down to Atlanta, buy the infield ticket ($125) and chip in for gas, food and drinks for the weekend. So he's looking at close to $500, easily. Here are my issues...our baby is coming in August. Come September our rent is being raised. We live on his income alone and we had to deplete our savings last month (long story). I would love nothing more than to tell him to go and have the best time, but I just don't see how it's feasible right now. With two kids to feed, diapers, and bills, it would set us back pretty bad. I'm hormonal and I feel awful, but I'm thinking logically in the long term. Am I wrong?