My BBT BFP, coming off BC and what I did


Hi all, I just thought I'd share my bfp chart and what I did. For those who have been trying for years, my thought are with you and I hope you get your bfp soon. So far I am the extremely lucky person and I pray that my little bean is a sticky one!!! I'm only 4weeks today and over the moon! My story:

DH and I decided to start trying for #1 in May and so I took my last bc pill the end of April. I had been on bc for 9 years and had no idea when af would next visit or when I'd ovulate. As a result I did the following:

bought cheap OPK's off eBay

Invested in a bbt thermometer

Got myself onto elevit

Tested twice a day, even through af for ovulation

Used my moon/diva/juju cup post bd to keep the goods close to my cervix

Got hubby and I onto maca powder capsules

Started drinking a fertility tea to help condition my uterus (chaste tree, peppermint, liquorice root, shatavari, raspberry leaf, red clover, nettle leaf)

Checked bbt, cp and cm EVERY DAY

My first af came on cd33 and was very strange. It was honestly the consistency and colour of red wine but only for 2 days then was very light and more normal. Even though I was doing OPK's daily I never got a +ve result. The closest I got were very faint lines. I ended up tracking on fertility friend as I was convinced based on my bbt, cm and cp that I had ovulated earlier than glow predicted and FF confirmed that for me. This made me so excited because I thought I was finally understanding my body. I check everything daily. You can see by my charts. 

My first indication that I may be pregnant was that my cp was very different to the previous month. It's almost made a graph of it's on! It sat very low post ovulation where for me it is almost always high. My cm also got heavier and creamier. I then started getting cramps and I thought af was on her way. 4 days later it felt like Af was well and truely here but it was just cramps. I took a cheap eBay hpt and I thought I could see something but wasn't sure if I was going insane or not. I did this a few days before I bought a first response and that gave me my bfp! It's still light but I'm only 4 weeks so not concerned. My cervix has also risen back up high and turned very soft which is good. I still have af like cramps but apparently that's my uterus expanding! 

I hope that my experience will at least help someone! If this isn't a sb I'll be trying all of the above again until I get my baby. I can't believe this has happened so fast for us. I am so over the moon but it's made me feel even more heart broken for a couple of my friends (+ everyone else) who have been struggling for years. Love and baby dust to all ✨

Edit 12 June 2019: For anyone that may come across this in a search. As posted in comments this pregnancy ended as an ectopic and my right tube was removed. Since this pregnancy we have been battling infertility. We recently discovered my left ovary (has a Fallopian tube) does not produce eggs, only empty follicles and my right ovary (tube removed) is fused to my bowel preventing possible tubal transmigration and making it highly unlikely that we will conceive maturally. Last month we had our first round of <a href="">ivf</a> which produced 2 embryos and one was transferred. We are extremely fortunate to have had a successful first round! We are over the moon but we worry things will go sideways. I’m not sure how I will cope with another loss- it’s been rough on my mental health.