Finally my BFP after THREE YEARS of TTC!!!!


First of all I would like to give a special thank you to God almighty. Glory and praise to him!

After 3 VERY LONG YEARS of TTC - finding out my husband has a low sperm count and motility, 4 surgeries for ovarian cysts, opks, tracking , negative hpts, vitamins, lots of tears & heartaches as well as prayers I FINALLY got my +HPT on CD 34!!!!

I usually have a 28-29 (very latest) day cycle. I was a week late and was TERRIFIED to test! I've tested plenty of times before and the dreaded - hpt result always came back and I was just not ready to see that again.

As I took my 5 year old sonshine and his cousin to the $.99 Store to buy coloring books and water toys for our playdate I kept womdering if I should pick up a test (or 5 lol) & I thought "no.. Ill wait until I'm 2 weeks late IF I even get there". I go and out my items on the runner to get ready to pay , there right in front of me was the pregnancy tests. "Okay, this is a sign!" I said out loud . Grabbed two and left the store .

I had many cycles where I had many "symptoms" that drove me wild only to come and find out I wasnt pregnant .

I got home and set my kiddos up and went to test... And within seconds i got a strong positive!!!! I had to reread the back of the box! I was in complete disbelief!

After 5 years of living together we decided to do right by God and get married in April.

Who wouldve thought just 2 months later I'd be blessed with my little bean ! 💕

I'm 4w6d today !!!

Thank you all for taking the time to read my story ❤

Sending all the hopeful mommies to be lots and lots of babydust 👶🍼✨✨