Postpartum depression?

I am 3 weeks postpartum. I am in a state of total bliss towards my baby. She's perfect. I love taking care of her. Breastfeeding is painful and the nights are sleepless but I'm on top of the world to be her momma. When she wakes up I'm excited because I feel like I missed her even when it's only been an hour or so. Mentally I'm not anxious or sad. I feel good on every way except one. I'm completely not in love with my husband. I don't just mean irritated. I mean I want him gone. I don't want to see his face. I don't want him to come home from work. I don't want to be with him anymore. But he's really not done anything to deserve this. He's not been perfect but nothing he's done warrants this level of disdain. Is it possible that I have PPD? Or is this something else entirely?