reality of the situation

my partner and I have had a few tumbles through our 3 years we have an 18 month old and sometime this month will have a new born

when we first met he was working at a job and we had issues soon into the relationship and he ended up being overly flirtatious to say the LEAST while I was pregnant with our 1st and when i asked the female co-worker she admitted and I wanted to leave. I'd never been with a man like that, or who did things out of spite. we had our son and swore he would change. this happened at least 3 more times with 3 new women. I know some women are okay with their men being overly flirtatious but I'm not one of them not bashing those who are okay with it, just personally do not believe it's appropriate because you open a door for things to go further. at 5 months pregnant with this baby my child brought me his father's phone and when I went to shut the screen off it was left on a message between him and another woman, one he worked with saying "i miss you baby can't wait to see you" "i miss my work boyfriend" "are you gonna give me my kiss" and that was the final straw for me. I packed everything and he swore it was never anything physical all just talk. But honestly that emotional cheating hurt a hell of a lot worse then being cheated on physically. being weak minded and seeing our son cry for his father as we were leaving I decided okay one more chance. he knows he's on his last leg with me. I'm in a better position financially, and have family support unlike the way it was when I found out about this little work girlfriend. he knows he messes up one more time and both my kids and I are done. you can only take so much from a person before you break completely. my newest issue is he's starting a new job, with my mother's best friend. And he informed my mom that there's a lot of attractive women he works with in, and out of his workplace. that if anything happens he does not want to be responsible for us breaking up, not that it would be his fault but he means by getting my partner into his work. I've already accepted the reality of this, my partner is incapable of being faithful, to me at least. I'm just glad I'll have our daughter before he can do anything to cause another preterm labor which is what happened when he pulled that shit when i was 5 months, contractions started had to get magnesium etc. my mother says to have faith but honestly at this point I have none and accepted that he will probably cheat, again.

it is heart breaking but he's taken every bit of faith from me.