Happy but venting about every stupid prego symptom


By my calculations, I'm 6w3d and I seem to have every possible pregnancy symptom! I'm trying to wait patiently til Wed when they measure my Hcg again (mine is very low and slow to rise). On the one hand they're making me feel a bit more optimistic, but on the other, well, there better be a baby in there! And while prego symptoms suck, and I'm going to complain, I'm a little bit thrilled that they might mean my numbers are rising and baby is doing ok. :)

So, I'd kill for a regular coffee - decaf tastes like crap. And a beer. I dont even drink that often normally, but I'm so hot and sweaty recently that an ice cold beer would be freaking awesome. Thank heavens I'm due in early March and not late summer, cuz if I'm this hot and sweaty now, don't even wanna think about what it'd be like with a 9 month belly! And iced coffee'd be fantastic in the morning, but no one has decaf iced coffee.

So, I'm stuck with water..which I can't drink enough of to get rid of my cotton mouth. And all I can taste in the water is chlorine (even tho it is bottled and doesn't have any chlorine!).

I absolutely despise grapefruit and yet I kept going back to grapefruit flavoured drinks at the grocery store today in my quest to find an alternative to water. Everything is loaded with sugar, has caffeine or artificial sweeteners - all of which I'm trying to avoid. Ended up with grapefruit flavoured sparkling water which sounded appealing. Cuz, you know, before I was pregnant, not only did I despise grapefruit, I also couldn't stand sparkling water. So obviously that is the perfect drink choice for me?!?!

Not like I want to drink anything cuz I have to pee every half hour. Like, pull the car over now cuz if u hit another bump I'm going to pee on your leather seats! And I don't care if u have to go too, the bathroom is mine! And yes I've been in here a long time, I'm constipated. And I have to pee again.

Feeling nauseous from late afternoon to early evening. Only thing I want to eat is sushi, and I'm peeved to no end that I can't have it. Like irrationally peeved. And speaking of peeved, I called a woman a f'in b**ch (not exactly under my breath) because I didn't like the way she looked at me. What do you mean I'm acting like I have bad PMS?!? I am not b**tchy!! And why would you even say that? Are you trying to piss me off? Ohhhh, wait, look at the cuuuute kitten. It's sooooo sweet, and look how much it's mommy loves it... Crying follows. Even I'm starting to think I'm psychotic.

Boobs are so sore it hurts to wear a bra. I leaned over the side of my grocery cart and hit my boob and actually yelped. And I think I need to get those nipple pads cuz I seem to have constantly hard nipples that are very obviously poking thru my shirt.

Drove thru the country today and that sweet country air (aka manure) was making me retch. DH thinks I'm a basket case I'm sure cuz even several kilometers down the road I could still smell it (he couldn't smell anything). Oh, but I used the Tide sample of honey lavender detergent and my clothes smell pretty! Very useful when trying to cover up bad smells by pulling your shirt over your nose.

Yesterday started getting a sore lower back. Can't stand for more than 5 minutes before it starts to cramp up. Which means I have to sit down for a minute... And fall asleep for 3 hours cuz I'm so tired. Naps I must say are my favourite part of the day right now.

Anyway, how's everyone else coping with their first trimester hormone rollercoaster?