My episiotomy is going wrong ? TMI and please help!

Jamie • 21 years old 🎊 First baby girl was born on June 27 thanks to glow.👶🏼🌻

I'm today 14 days postpartum. When I had my baby girl they doctor had to do an episiotomy 3 times (he cut me three times) today I took a look to see if my stitches are falling... it looks like all of them did but when I took a close look I saw in the middle of the cut a little hole open.

I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to think, I believe that the stitches felt and it didn't close?!?!?

My mom and husband say it's normal... but it doesn't look normal even tho it looks tiny I'm still sacred.

My question is: is the little hole going to close ? Have anyone of you have gone thru this? Please help me