Wonder Woman...

Was absolutely one of the worst movies of the century. What I got from it was that basically women can rule and/ or be powerful but only through men or with the help of men. They think that just because they throw a few scenes of women fighting men in the movie that this promotes women impowerment and/ or feminism. But in actuality it's doing the opposite. The island she lives on is literally women only, then some dude (who fits the standard of beauty) comes into their world and tries to explain to Wonder Woman what "real life" is like. He then takes her to the "real world" (our human world) and begins to tell her how to sit, talk, act, and dress, essentially shaping her to fit into his world, his norms, his standards, his way. ONLY THEN, can SHE save HIS world. It's a terrible movie sending an even more horrific message that not only do girls need guys to make a positive difference but also the message that women need to become violent and physically fight with men to prove their worth and equality with men. Why do I need to be a solider to be even with men or to be seen as powerful? And why do I need to be feminized to fit into the male world? I'm highly disappointed and I would never let my kid (despite their gender) watch this movie and many other movies without this analysis in mind. Fuck this country and the psychological warfare they place upon their citizens!!