Banshee Baby

My daughter is almost 9 months old and is healthy. I took the whole 12 weeks off for maternity leave and am blessed enough to be on a different work schedule than my husband so she is either at home with him or my mom while I'm at work. She was exclusively breastfed until she turned 6 months old when I introduced her to solids not rushing the introduction of new foods and textures. She rarely sleeps through the night without nursing at least once. Sleep training worked for about a week and then she was back to her norm but that isn't my real issue. Over the last month she has started this shrill, shrieking, blood-curdling cry every time I leave her sight and when she wakes up. I can't cook, clean, use the bathroom or even sleep. I'm losing my mind PLEASE HELP!!!😣🙁☹😓😢😭😔😩😳 I have 3 other children and have NEVER gone through this before but she is my only child who was strictly breaks well as the only one that I stayed home with beyond 6 weeks.