cycle day 50


Sorry for the long post. My last period was May 30 and I started birth control pills then half way through the month DH and I decided to ttc. I finished my pack and had only 2 days of light withdrawl bleeding once I stopped. DH and I bd a lot(not 100% sure of all dates) I'm currently on cycle day 50 and I feel like my body us tricking me, for the last week Ive had nausea every morning, super full, sore breasts, bleeding gums, moods swings, hubby had a mixed drinks last night and I just smeeling his breath made me ill(made him finish and blush teeth). Last 2 mornings when I checked cm(just started) there was one dot, each morning, of bright red blood. Never when I wiped and gone right away. DH and I bd last, ti which I thought would bring in AF, but nothing! I guess my question is, pregnant or symptoms of coming off the pill(after only a month)? When should I test, as I've no clue if I ovulated? Thanks in advance cor any insight