Watching, waiting, hoping, and praying...

Jessie • Housewife, animal mom of 3, Sylvia❤️ 👶🏻 3/30/2020

My period is 4 days late... which is kinda normal for me. I haven't noticed any huge signs that say "TAKE A TEST, YOU MIGHT BE PREGO!!" Nothing out of the norm, boob pain, back pain, sensitivity... yada yada... that could be my average pms. The thing is, I am not expecting to get pregnant this month. Yes, the sex has been quite frequent, especially around the week of my supposed ovulation. Yes, I am slightly more relaxed this month, more than the past few months.

"But why aren't you expecting to possibly start expecting this month?" You might ask.

One word.


I, Jessie, have been eating garbage for the past few months and have not taken it into consideration until last week. I do a meal plan thing to help finances, and , for fun, I do themes.

Last month, I sprained my ankle, so I made a meal plan that was mostly one pot dinners and sugary cereals, and all the processed crap you could possibly think of. Chips, candy, soda, fruit juice, boxed dinners, fake cheese, spam...

A couple weeks ago, I did 1960s and 1970s themes. So, you guessed it, the eras of tv and lazy dinners. A lot of spam, macaroni and cheese, canned soups, and basically, anything processed.

My stomach and bowels hated me. So, skipping the 1980s and 1990s for fear of possibly dying from stomach and bowel revolution, I looked to my health food page on Pinterest. Then I saw it: "Foods to eat for fertility." I started digging for articles, looking at YouTube videos about it. I hadn't realized what all that processed food was possibly doing to my husbands and my fertility. I decided to try to eat more organically, when I can afford it.

While I have started doing this, I have noticed an increase in energy, even though I don't have many organic foods. But, I have increased my intake of vegetables, fish, chicken, beef (mainly for hubby), fruit, yogurt, quinoa, rice, and milk. Water's been the same, I drink it like a fish most days in the summer. We have purchased a Brita, which, believe it or not, has helped a lot with my heartburn and stomach problems.

Again, I don't expect to be preggo this month, I'm mostly waiting for my period so I can get this done and over with and start anew with this next cycle. Here's to hoping though, right?