My selfish cousin 🙄

🪐 E.T 🪐

So my cousin is twenty three with a three year old daughter that she hardly looks after. She still lives with her parents and has no plans to even start saving for a place of her own; she always spends her money on last minute holidays, fake nails, alcohol etc. While she's on holiday she expects the whole family to cancel all their plans and change work schedules to look after her daughter which is HER JOB. Even when she's at home she expects her mum or dad to do everything for her including taking her to nursery making them late for work.

Sometimes she will be out for the whole weekend drinking, without even warning her parents she won't be home, so when that happens me and my nan (who I live with) have to look after her instead.

I'm so sick of her. She's the one who made poor choices and had a child when she wasn't mature enough or financially stable enough. We shouldn't have to take care of her kid.

Her daughter is honestly so spoilt and badly behaved it's unreal. My auntie and uncle try their best to raise her but there's only so much they can do for a child that isn't suppose to be their responsibility.

The most irritating thing is that she acts like she's the worlds best mum for spending more than a few hours with her. She uses her as an accessory all over social media but in reality she's a terrible, irresponsible mother.

She treats her parents who work so hard and have done so much for her like absolute shit. She's so ungrateful it disgusts me, she has no respect for her family or herself. She also likes to think it's acceptable to try and get involved in my life and talk to my friends when I'm 16 years old - it's honestly pathetic to watch.