Thinking About TTC...Unbelievable Nerves

Jessica • Wife, hound mom, excited and hopeful for a sticky rainbow baby (due in October!)

Hi all,

So my husband and I had an unexpected pregnancy a number of years ago. We found out late in the game that our little man had a genetic disorder that would result in still birth. We were too far along and had to induce/give birth at 22 weeks. We got to say goodbye but it was the hardest time in our lives.

Given the timing and lack of planning, we have not tried again. Now we are planning to start our family and I'm freaking out. It's been 7 years. What if after all this time it doesn't work for us? What if it takes years and we wasted our time? What if we go through this and tell our families and we lose another baby? I don't know if I/we can go through the excitement and heartbreak again. Am I alone in worrying about this? Am I crazy and need to calm down? How do I let it come naturally and not stress?