coworker is also TTC...


There were 3 women (that I know of) trying to get pregnant where I work. One of the ladies was just in my office complaining about not getting pregnant and how frustrating it is. I just found out 2 weeks ago that I'm pregnant. She doesn't know I'm pregnant now, but she knows I miscarried my first pregnancy in January. I totally understood her frustration until she told me HER HUSBAND HAD A VASECTOMY IN HIS PREVIOUS MARRIAGE. They don't have the money to have it reversed yet, so they've been trying and hoping for a miracle. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't think it works like that. I can't get over how ignorant it is. I know pregnancies after vasectomies have happened, but actively TRYING month after month only to be disappointed seems absolutely absurd to me.

Her AF is due in 3 days. I'll update if she actually is pregnant.