what do these symptoms mean? help!

for the past few days i've had a uti that im treating right now. but since last night, inside my vagina started itching in a painful way constantly and still is. i've had a uti once before but it felt like a normal uti; cramps around kidneys & burning when peeing. but this time i have to pee all the time and when i do, i can't hold it that long and it'll hurt towards the end of me peeing, not burning, but pain inside the urethra. it also has a light fishy odor down there that i've been using ACV to help it. i don't know if this just sounds like a normal uti, a more major one, or what so please helppp!! thankssss


peeing a lot & cant hold it

pain when peeing

pain/itchiness/irritated feeling inside vagina

fishy smell