Rant...I may be wrong but...

I was at an indoor playground with my 2 year old daughter/ newborn daughter and my friend.

My 2 year old runs over to an abandoned table (no one even close) that had a juice box just sitting there. She quickly sipped the juice box before I could get her down. (You know how quick a two year old can be). I was embarrassed, and still am....

Moments pass when suddenly this dad abruptly confronts us all demanding we buy a "replacement juice box that instant".

I was shocked at his outburst so my friend stepped in and he asked for a dollar which she agree to pay him.

I was so startled by his reaction. He was nowhere in sight and had just left the juice box lying out so any kid could just grab it?

I hate that my daughter sipped from a random juice box to begin with, but she'll survive. But the father's reaction was so over the top explosive.

Or am I wrong? I just gave birth so maybe my head isn't in the right place but I honestly don't even know.