MOMS!! .... please read pre K and I'm SO sad...

Lys • Wife 💍 Mommy to Ezra and Cove 💙 #BoyMom #Blessed

Hey mamas! So I had a question, and kinda wanted to vent my feelings. I have a 4 year old who starts Pre-K August 15th and I'm SO scared. This day always seemed so far away but now here we are two weeks away. I'm also 27 weeks pregnant with his little brother so that probably doesn't help my emotions LOL but my question is, is are ALL these feelings and emotions normal? I want to cry just thinking about sending him off to school. And let me also point out that he is a homebody but I know he is mentally mature enough to start and he needs too but their Pre-K where I live is a FULL day (8:30-4:00!) but they don't go on Fridays. I'm just scared and some advice would help if you mamas could lend any. Of course besides the common sense advice haha 😅 I just don't want him to go. I've NEVER been through this.. I feel anxious about letting a stranger watch him, I get scared that he won't ask the teacher questions if he needs something and UGH it's just so hard right now. 😢 i don't let him see my emotions because I want him to be excited and so far he is but I fear once it really IS here he won't want to leave me and we will be at the school both in tears 🤧 please, lend me your advice moms because I really need it. I feel like this is going to be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do ☹️ sorry this post is so long but I could use some help/tips/advice !!! Thank you so much in advance!!

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