Shopping! Don't do these things.


Hello all! Figured this would be good for the chitchat group since it doesn't have anything to do with pregnancy or avoiding pregnancy.

What woman doesn't love shopping, right? (except for the ones that don't). Well love it or hate it, we all venture in to the world of retail at some point. As someone who's worked various retail jobs (Kohls, Bed Bath and Beyond and Lowes to name a few), the following things have happened to me - and countless others. Please for the love of all that is good in this world, do not ever do the following when in a store:

1) Return items that are covered in feces. Human or otherwise. Yes, this has happened to me. Twice, in fact. I don't care how much you need that $14.36, DO NOT do this. Thank you in advance.

2) Go to a regular cashier lane and expect to return an item, pay off your card, put money on a card, or anything else customer service-ey. That is what customer service is for. Like, this is the whole reason why customer service exists.

3) Go through the self check out lane and immediately go to the cashier manning the lanes and expect them to ring you up themselves. Self check out means you check yourself out. Idk how this gets lost in translation, but it happens daily. If the (presumably busy) cashier explains this to you, don't insist they ring you up because you hate self check out. This is the whole reason why regular cashier lanes exist.

4) Haggle. I'm not sure what 3rd world country you think you're in, but I've yet to see an American retail store that's based on a haggling system. If the item has something wrong with it, then sure. Ask for a little off. But a perfectly fine item that you just don't feel like paying full price for? Bitch, please.

5) If an item doesn't scan right away, or if it doesn't have a UPC, DO. NOT. --- I repeat -- DO NOT say "it must be free!" You are not funny, you are not creative, and your cashier is now visualizing you suffering in the pits of hell for all eternity. Just saying.

6) Finally, for this list, when a cashier asks you if you found everything ok, just say "yes" and be done with it. They're required to ask and don't give two shits if you couldn't find something. And IF they do actually give a shit, they will not able to help you because they can't leave their register. Also, along with this, if you decide to be super funny and creative and you reply with "no, I couldn't find the money tree", please refer to number 5. Also also, don't get pissy when the cashier points you in the direction of the indoor house plants. Cuz money trees are actually a thing.

That's it for my list (and I'm trying not to make this too long). What are your pet peeves as a retail worker?? There's definitely more annoying stuff than what I listed!