How do "real" relationships work...


Ok I only have a couple questions and idk if they have to do with a "real" relationship but this is the most real one I've ever been in. I'm pregnant with his baby and we live together. He does some things that drive me to drink but idk if it's bc I'm pregnant and grouchy or if it's actually annoying.

I don't pay rent because I'm a broke grad student but I pay for half of utilities and I cook most of the food we eat and help with cleaning. He's ok with this set up. He's the one who wanted me to live with him, I was going to be staying with my mom for this last year of school.

He pretty much never goes grocery shopping and when he does he buys like... eggs and bread. He works at a place where there's pretty much always communal food in the break room brought in by co-workers or clients so he has never really bought or cooked much.

When he is off or gets off before me he will cook food for me, and vice versa.

First annoying thing: I'm kind of annoyed though because he constantly is munching on my snacks and I'm happy to share but he will eat like almost all of it and leave very little and I never know how much of what foods I have, and when I'm finally craving something there isn't much left. That drives me CRAZY because he snacks a lot (on my stuff) but NEVER buys anything. And I'm like ok you know you like to eat snacks why can't you buy anything??

Second annoying thing: I like to make my own meals mostly from scratch which of course takes time and unfortunately, more money which I don't have a lot of and mostly use my credit cards and the small amount of financial aid I get. Before I moved in he would eat eggs for breakfast, cucumbers for snacks as well as snack at work, usually chicken or whatever anyone brought in to work for lunch, on and j for dinner and random snacks idk from where. He's a big guy so he eats A LOT like way more than I'm used to. So when I make dinner or lunch for myself and he is there I feel so awkward and rude if I don't offer him anything but he says "yes" every single time I offer him and then all of a sudden he takes my offer as that meaning he gets free reign on whatever I ate and he goes to town over the next few days after I already cooked for the whole week pretty much what I will eat for the week. Also it's so annoying to me that any freaken time I want to eat ANYTHING I always feel obligated to make two bc he always says yes and he knows I get frustrated when he picks off my plate because he will eat like half and I'm like hello wtf. I feel so bad telling him he "can't" eat something and I like to cook him food and if anyone has gotten down this far....

Do you offer you s/o food every time you eat and have to make two of everything you eat??? Idk how this works but IM SO ANNOYED BY IT.