My fiance made me cry.

Cocoa Puffs • Direct Care Professional 👫 Majoring in psychology 4.0 🎓 Christian ✝ 08/24/16💍🔐

I have these really bad dizzy spells that are hereditary. My grandpa, mom, brother, and I all have them. It's not like when you get off a roller coaster. These dizzy spells make it where we can't move, and we feel like puking. We usually have to sleep it off, and the doctor's do not know what they are yet. Well I got a really bad one, and I was on my period, and I couldn't move. He had to help me to the bed. Somehow my pad shifted, and I was getting blood all over me. I thought he would be grossed out or upset, but instead he rushed to the bathroom and got a wet wash rag, and wiped all the blood away from my legs and the covers. Then he just laid beside me until it went away hours later. I have never had anyone care about me like that before. All my exes would of been grossed out. I usually don't cry over sappy stuff, but this made me cry.