IUD question


Hi all! In super new to the IUD bandwagon, but I have a few questions.

TL;DR: at what point should I contact my doctor about cramping after Mirena insertion? How long does it take the cramps to stop?

My dr told me that unless I was cramping really badly that I should be okay. But the thing is, I have always had cramps and backaches severe enough that I would puke and couldn't barely walk, so I think maybe my judgement is off. I have woken up twice in the middle of the night bawling from cramps since insertion. I pace the floor trying to get some relief. I'm taking 4 ibuprofen every four hours to make it so I can function. A cramp hits me and I'm doubled over. It's wearing me down because it is so constant even though I could handle more pain in shorter bursts.

My question is, should I contact my doctor at this point? Or should I ride it out a few more days to see if they get better?