UPDATE: I'm not a woman?


I'm 20 and my boyfriend is 29 and it just upset me so much that he would say that. Back in the old days you became a woman when you got your period. I don't know what it would take for him to consider me a woman. I cook, I clean, I have a job, I have a car, I go to school, I'm a mature adult. Do I ha e to have children to be considered a real woman? He said when I'm 25 I'll be a woman. What if I had kids at 20, would I still not be a woman? He says that I'm still a girl but why would he be in a relationship with a girl and have sex with a girl? Honestly why do men say such stupid things? Today he lost his erection during sex and says he's a little man. Now I just feel like being petty as hell and saying that now we're even. I'm not a woman and you're not a man. But I realize how bad the repercussions would be for that.


I texted him this "It was really hurtful and belittling for you to say that I'm not a woman. After you said that I was really offended but then I thought maybe you were right and I was silly for being upset by that. But if you really don't think of me as a woman, then what are you doing with a girl? I also don't appreciate you saying things to get a rise out of me, it's really immature." I'll update in the morning when I get a response.

UPDATE again:

He read my message at 5:30 am before he went to work and didn't reply until 12 after I texted him again and told him that I will give him until he gets off work to reply and this is what he said "and what about the message do you want me to say??" Then he said "Now excuse me for saying something that offends you" to me that is such a shitty apology and it's one where there is no recognition of what he said wrong. Just to excuse himself for offending me. I know when I "apologize" for offending someone that I still think what I said was right but I feel a little bad for upsetting the other person. I didn't realize just how badly hurt I would be by that comment from my own boyfriend, I feel belittled and disrespected. I would never tell him that he isn't a man because he is a man, I wouldn't be in a relationship with him if he was just a boy, I'm not going to waste my time with a boy. And for those if you telling me to break up with him. While I appreciate the advice and being on my side you don't know our relationship. I'll update again if anything further happens. I normally can't stay mad at him but in this instance I am honestly hurt and don't really want to talk to him.