
So for 2 days I was with my son's father for his birthday. (13th-15th). We of course had sex. Amazing like I miss you/ make up/ I love you type sex every chance we got. However it was on the last 2 days of my period and he came in me every single time. However starting yesterday I started having smalls cramps and still have them. I do not understand why that is. Soooo question 1. Would anyone know what exactly is a possibility that can cause that? And 2, is it possible for you to even get pregnant the last day of your period. according to this app i dont ovulate until the 20th. I wouldnt be worried about it but I just had a baby 10 months ago and Ive been told for the first year you are still very fertile. I just need answers lol. forgot to share. My period stopped a day early and then yesterday I had clearish, pink watery diacharge. and been cramping all day. What is that?