Should I stick it out or try a new school?


I've dealt with a lot of bullying and loss of friends to the point where I only have one left at my current school (but she does online school for it) and have been nothing but miserable my entire life at school. But this is my SENIOR year and my family just moved to a bigger house but it's in a different area so I'd be going to a new school if I chose to. But she said if I wanted to stay at my original school that she'd drive me. I'd only be going for three classes a day and it's my last year but I'd have nobody to go to fun events with like homecoming and prom and I'd probly still be miserable going there everyday with people I don't like. But if I go to my new school I have a chance to make new friends and have cool new things to try there for my last school year. The only negative about it is worrying about new people and my schedule and finding my way around it.... so either way it's stressful and I seriously need opinions Bc so far my friend and my gmom said stay at my old school but I just don't know if I wanna stay if I'll be miserable... sorry this was so long

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