I feel like there's something wrong with me.


All the women in my family can get pregnant at the drop of a hat! My mom has 8 kids, never had to try for any of us. All of us were planned. All of my sisters have kids. All planned, all pregnant on the first try. My auntie has 12 kids. All planned, all on the first try. My other aunties all got pregnant on their first tries too and even had a few in expected pregnancies. MY FRIGGIN ABUELA HAD 12 KIDS AND SHE NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS. WHY CANT I GET FUCKING PREGNANT. IVE BEEN TTC FOR A YEAR NOW. My sister Caitlyn decided 4 weeks ago that she was going to try for a baby and she's already 2W+4. What is the problem here. It's not my SO's sperm count because we had that tested and I went to a doctor too. There's nothing physically wrong but for some fucking reason. I can't get pregnant. I JUST WANT A BABY!