Sleep talking/half asleep walking SO's


So a few months back there was a topic regarding half asleep Significant Others talking/walking. Their partly awake but not fully aware of what they're doing. Just had one that scared me a little. Well this just happened...

My SO just scared and amused the hell out of me. He is sleeping right? And he sits up, gets up wearing only a pair of shorts, puts his wallet in shorts, and starts to walk into the living room with a purpose. He is clearly not fully awake, almost sleep walking but not. I yell at him and omg he gives me this cute look like "what?" And even said "K?"

I yell at him to get his butt back in bed and he walks back in the room as I ask where he was going. He mumbles as he puts his wallet back, "I need to go do the thing." Or something like that. I said, "no get you butt back in bed." He crawls back into bed and he says he needed to do something in the pod (a work thing) as he drinks some apple juice. I tell him to go back to sleep and worry about it tomorrow and he did as I said.

Scared me nearly to death but also found this very amusing.