Pending loss of Virginity

So I am 24, gonna be 25 in three weeks. I wasn't saving myself for marriage, just someone spectacular. Well he hasn't come around and I'm in a MA program and don't have real time to date and all.
I met this guy on POF. My complete type, I am completely attracted to him, he's 25. But-----he's a man whore. Literally all he talked about our first conversation was how big his penis is. He's not that smart and is a bit of a dick. 
So, as I have yet to meet him IRL we've sort of began a phone sex relationship. Well, I listen to him and tell him what he wants to hear to make him come. I find his voice sexy, and he wants to fuck me. He calls when he's horny, no other times. 
Does this sound really bad? I mean he could be calling other girls, but he calls me. He's also very open about his current sexual escapades. He's on vacation now and has had sex a couple of times, but he tell me all about it. He's literally having sex and then calls me. He sends dick pics, which I find annoying, but I've sent some naughty ones back. 
I want to lose my virginity before I turn 25 and he's the only guy on my radar who is interested. My perfect first time man isn't in sight and I'm ready for sex. Been ready since I was 18. I'm being safe, I know what to do. It does bother me that he's a man-whore and I'll probably regret it being him. But I want sex, and he's willing to provide. I won't be his first virgin, and he assures me he'll make it as perfect as possiable. 
Thank you all for the candor! I don't have many close friends and I really needed someone to tell me like it is. I concider myself a very level headed peroson but I got caught up in it too much to see what was in front of me. 
Im quite shy and have a hard time putting myself out there. The attention no matter how awkward and weird got to me. I guess because I don't get a lot of it from men. 
I'm still looking for my someone spectacular. I guess I freaked out and put a time limit on myself was because my bff is getting married, I was so jealous of her for not only being in a relationship but being happy. When I'm not happy. Everything is good on other fronts in my life but I'm stuck. I've wanted to be wanted for so long and it just wasn't happening. So I went looking for trouble and that's what I found. 
Thank you all again, I feel supported.