My husband blames me?!?

My husband and I wake up to the alarms I set on my phone. I always set 2 for him. First is at 5:00 a.m and the second at 5:30 a.m in case he is tired and wants some extra time. He usually wakes up at 5:30 a.m when my alarm goes off. I usually wake up to the 5:00 a.m one and tell him it went off and then go back to sleep, but don't wake up go the 5:30 a.m one. He usually gets up on his own and gets ready for work and helps take care of the dogs like a grown 23 year old man and husband should. Well, today I guess he didn't wake up. I tried to wake him up at 5:00 a.m. but didn't wake up the 5:30 a.m one and I guess he didn't either. I rolled over at 6:43 a.m and he was still in bed next to me so I woke him up and told him the time. He is supposed to be to work by 6:30 a.m and his work is 20-30 minutes away from our house. He immediately got super pissed... at me!!? Like excuse me? I am not your mother and its not my job to wake your ass up! I wake my own self up and get ready and go to work everyday too! He told me he is going to get fired because of me and I really don't see how it's my fault?! I set alarms in my phone for him and that's all I should have to do. He could buy himself an actual alarm clock and use that. He could use his own phone and put it next to him, but no it's my fault. 😑😠😤