Can anyone pleasee give me there opinion??! 😫🙌


I'm 22 but my boyfriend and I have been TTC. I've been having almost all early pregnant symptoms. I'm supposed to have my period in 5 days. I had sex every day of my most fertile week. I've been pregnant before but lost the baby and I feel exactly like I did before. The most significant symptom I have is my breasts are definitely fuller, tender, like a burning sensation, and the blue veins. I can't even sleep on my sides or belly especially lately. My boobs have been this way for a few days now. I've been extremely dizzy, craving sweets like never before, headaches everyday, loss of appetite (even the thought of food makes me nauseous, except chocolate and strawberry ice cream), cramps, gas, super moody, shortness of breath just by walking to the kitchen for water, metallic taste in mouth, and unbelievably tired. So I had sex last night with my boyfriend and before the actual sex happened, I orgasmed twice just by him kissing me for maybe five minutes to get everything going before sex and then I did again three more times during sex! I've never experienced this much sensitivity before... could that be another possible pregnancy symptom?