16M old doesn't anticipate consequences


My sweet boy is 16 months, and I've noticed he is a little bit of a daredevil - maybe beyond the scope of "just being a boy." At his first daycare, he was always coming home with some sort of injury, to the point that I pulled him out of the place. They told me "Mason is just always on the go, always climbing on something, he's harder to watch than other kids because he may be doing one thing and then take off running and fall."

I felt it was negligent that he ALWAYS had some kind of mark on him, and switched him to another daycare- but now I'm wondering if maybe they were right? I have noticed at home that he will be on my bed and see Mickey Mouse on the tv and want to just leap off of my bed as if there's no fall there. Or he will try to throw himself sideways off the chair at dinner to grab my dogs. He is not afraid of pain/danger.

Today my new daycare's coordinator showed me a huge welt on his forehead and an incident report where he had fallen while running on the sidewalk, and said he ran right off the edge as if it wasn't there (he has stepped cautiously over it a million times). She said she's noticed he will trip or do something crazy and hurt himself, then go right back to doing it in a way that shows he just hasn't learned. She said the other children sit in chairs to eat, color, etc and he wants to stand on the chair and rock. 🤦🏻‍♀️

He's really clever otherwise - knows several letters, sits calmly for books at night, sings some songs, can identify some body parts... but I am nervous that so many people who meet him have told me (family members, Gymboree) what a hyper boy he is. His dad was diagnosed very early with ADHD and given different pills through childhood, and he doesn't remember his parents or the experience fondly. I just don't want that for my son.

Do you think this sounds like he's just on the active end of normal? Or should I be investigating this more?