Got the green light: Starting stims tomorrow!!!!

Stacey • Wife. TTC baby #1 since March 2012. Ivf cycle #1 August 25th 2017(failed). IVF cycle #2 January 2018 (3 frosties). FET March 2018. BFP 3/27/18. Due 12/03/18 born 11/30/18. Natural pregnancy #2 SURPRISE! BFP 10/26/2020.

After 5 years of trying, we finally bit the bullet and made the call to do <a href="">IVF</a>.... and now it begins! I'm super excited and nervous at the same time.... we'll be doing a FET sometime in November with our retrieval tentatively scheduled for sept 6th.... ready to get this party started but also worried about it having problems or not working like nothing else has worked in the past.