Do doctors automatically run pregnancy tests in ER?


I visited the ER last week because I was having a bad UTI and diarrhea at the same time. They gave me antibiotics and did my blood/urin work. This week though I had a pain in my left side that only lasted for a few seconds by the time I left class and went to the store I felt a lot of discharge come out of me. Once I got home and peed I had a lot of creamy white e discharge. I didn't have a ordor or any thing just it was a lot and ever since then I had one more episode like that and now I'm pretty much normal. Plus I've been getting a little nauseous all week like literally feeling the need to throw up. Now for the past 2days I've been sneezing like and my face is seriously breaking out. It's so weired for me and I've been moody. I'm begining to wonder if I should take a test or wait until I miss my period. my last period was fairly light, short and I didn't have ANY clot as usual. I'm not sure if these are syptoms I've just noticed what's going on with me . Is there anyladies out there who know if doctors automatically test women for pregnancy .