What do you think?

So, I know it's not for a while now but I was thinking about finding out the gender.

So, I wouldn't find out the gender until December and I was contemplating throwing a gender reveal and although no one brings presents, I still feel like with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and then my daughters birthday in January, it'd be a little too much all within 3 months.

While on the other hand, my husband and I have contemplated about just waiting until they're born to find out the gender. This will be our 3rd and we already have a boy and a girl so I feel like it would be a nice little surprise. I'm just not sure that I have the will power to wait; seeing as I'm about the most impatient person to walk this earth.

I was just wondering about what your opinions were? Would you still throw the gender reveal? Or maybe what do you think about having the gender be surprise?

Thank you!